
Entries will be prayed for, and will remain with the statue!

Date: 11/17/2021, 2:50 PM CST
Name: Br. Alex Chung, MIC <>
Location: United States
For all priests, religious brothers and sisters in purgatory, for all the other souls in purgatory, and for the salvation of all the dying, and the conversion and all people.
Date: 11/7/2021, 1:39 PM CST
Name: Gary Nasiatka <>
Location: United States
Please help me with dealing with my older daughters hatred towards me & my wife Thank You!!
Date: 11/3/2021, 5:59 PM CST
Name: Brother Alex Chung, MIC <>
Location: United States
For the repose of the soul of Deborah M. Binder.
Date: 10/7/2021, 9:30 PM CST
Name: maureen <>
Location: canada
Pray for our clergy and seminaries under attack. Several FEMALES claiming to be transgender males have been found in the seminaries studying to become ordained priests. Pray. Pray. Pray. Our Lady of Fatima help our suffering Church.
Date: 9/23/2021, 2:29 AM CST
Name: Brother Alexander Chung, MIC <>
Location: United States
That very wise, just, holy, and moral decisions are always made in dealing with all worldly situations, and that God keeps gracing all people so they all continue to grow in faithfulness and holiness, so that just, wise, holy, and moral laws always prevail in the world.
Date: 8/25/2021, 3:26 PM CST
Name: Brother Alex Chung, MIC <>
Location: United States
For the end of the Covid virus, that vaccination passports, unjust mandates and forced vaccinations be stoped and rescinded, so that our God given liberty and human freedom be respected, and that wise and just laws prevail in the world.
Date: 7/14/2021, 11:26 PM CST
Name: Ken <>
Location: Texas
We have been praying for my son Justin on and off for a while, mostly related to the 4 surgeries he has had on his hips over the last several years, which also includes a court case. During the last month his hips have been bothering him. He went to the Dr. and got a MRI of which he will receive the results from the Dr. tomorrow. I ask for your prayers for Justin.
Date: 7/10/2021, 5:39 PM CST
Name: Ken <>
Life; unborn and elderly, families and continued attacks within schools, tv, internet, social media especially against the most innocent young children luring them in by flash and glitter by organizations that want to destroy wholesome families. Please pray for all whose only objective is control and power over others and remove God from our society. Please pray that the Catholic Church can speak with one voice the words spoken by Jesus Christ in the way God has intended. Jesus while on the cross said to His Father, forgive them for they know not what they do…we must do the same.
Date: 6/18/2021, 3:20 PM CST
Name: Brother Alexander Chung, MIC <>
Location: United States
Prayers that Brother Jeff Ryan, MIC be graced with profound and unfailing faith, hope, fortitude, peace, joy, Christ-like compassion, and love, so he may persevere to the end. May he, in God’s Love and Mercy, also always bring Christ’s Truth to others and himself, so that Brother Jeff may always be a true servant and soldier for Christ. Amen
Date: 4/25/2021, 3:15 PM CST
Name: Ken <>
Location: Texas
Dear Lord since the election of the new president in the United States, the administration has accelerated the challenges to LIFE (Unborn, Elderly, Disabled, etc.), to marriage, traditional families, children, gender and restrictions to Religious and other Freedoms. As the storm rages, we pray for the return of moral values to all our public officials and lawmakers not only in the Unites States but worldwide where persecution of Christians is on the rise. In Jesus Name we pray for safe refuge from this storm. Jesus instructed Saint Faustina to “Say the chaplet I have taught you and the storm will cease. Through the chaplet you will obtain everything, if you ask what is compatible with My will.” Jesus I Trust in You.
Date: 4/13/2021, 2:53 PM CST
Name: Kevin <>
Happy Easter! Thank you for the prayers of Our Lady and pilgrims reading these messages. I've submitted them before and felt consolation and relief. Please pray for our family in this time, specifically my husband Kevin, who was told of his job loss at the end of December 2020, and then finally let go in February 2021. He left a steady contracting job, for a job that promised him to be doing more of the things he was interested in along with a positive future for our family and his career. He was only at this job for 3 months. He's a caring husband and great father to our two young children and a talented man. This has been a challenge to his confidence. And while he's had some interest in his skill, with a few paying projects, it has been little to support our family in the ways we were relying on for our needs (we do not live extravagantly.) Unemployment has been a struggle and after 6 weeks we’ve still yet to find out when/if he will get any unemployment payments. Providence provided my job security in the form of a raise at the same time we learned of his loss. Plus with the help of family and pandemic assistance payments we're all receiving - we are getting by. He has been told of a possible interview with a faith based organization, and I pray this does come through (he's had several let downs in this interviewing process.) This pandemic year showed him practicing his faith more frequently - after some loss of motivation since his Father passed suddenly. I pray this possible faith based job at least does right by him in so his gaining faith momentum does not falter.
Date: 4/3/2021, 4:11 PM CST
Name: Ken <>
Location: Texas
On this Holy Saturday, let us offer and dedicate our prayers to comfort and honor Jesus' Mother Mary; as she grieves the horrific crucifixion and death of her Son...Jesus; as she stood under the cross, and held His lifeless body Mary witnessed the brutality of man against Jesus. To this day, we witness increased persecution of people who believe in Jesus around the world, even within the United States, the land of the Free.... Mary's humility and strength are examples of why we turn to Mary for comfort when faced with our own agonizing situations. Dear Mary, Mother of Jesus, we mourn you loss and we offer our prayers to you. We need to give Mary a casserole of prayers as Mary grieves.... Today we especially pray FOR Mary. Mary is Always Praying for us.
Date: 3/28/2021, 2:47 PM CST
Name: Ken <>
Location: Texas
Pray for this sick nation; the United States which is ailing without God. God is love and love is forgiveness and this nation lacks the love, compassion and forgiveness of one another. Forgive and you will be forgiven. The direction of this nation is in a downward spiral...into godless socialism. This direction will not stop until we bring God back and stop man-made laws that allow the killing the unborn, which includes the elderly and children and individuals that don't meet the man-made standards of what a person should be. Bring God back into the family structure as God has designed; one man and one woman...two genders knitted in the womb by God. We are all going to meet our Maker and woe to those who hear the words "I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers." This country has received many blessing from God and our actions and laws do not show any gratitude. Join in prayer to Our Lord God Almighty and repent of our sins. Pray for our leaders and lawmakers...Lord have mercy on us.
Date: 3/22/2021, 10:44 PM CST
Name: Ken <>
Location: Texas
Prayers requested for Scott who has a brain tumor, he received a blood transfusion Friday and it was determined that he required an addition one Friday. Tomorrow he is scheduled for a brain scan. We pray to our Blessed Mother Mary and Saint Joseph for complete cure, healing and recovery. In Jesus Name we pray. We also pray for Manny who has been admitted to Hospice Care, we pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for him. Jesus I Trust in You.
Date: 3/4/2021, 1:26 AM CST
Name: Brother Alex Chung, MIC <>
Location: United States
Sister Clare Maria of the Trinity and the Heart of Mary Crockett, Tania Valeria Intriago Sánchez, María Augusta Muñoz Rodríguez, Jazmina Jessenia Castro Delgado, Mayra Alejandra Alcívar Vega, and Catalina Navarrete Falcon
Date: 2/12/2021, 6:14 PM CST
Name: Br Alex Chung, MIC <>
Location: USA
For the repose of the soul of Father Seraphim Michalenko, MIC
Date: 2/12/2021, 7:15 AM CST
Name: Br Alex Chung, MIC <>
Location: USA
For the repose of the soul of Father Seraphim Michalenko, MIC
Date: 1/26/2021, 6:54 PM CST
Name: Ken <>
Location: Texas
Dear Lord God Almighty, this prayer is long overdue…. Your promise of mercy to the “most in need” requires action on our part. Unfortunately, by our free will, our actions have mainly consisted of turning our backs on You…by man-made laws…enter in the principalities! Dear Lord God Almighty, today’s prayer request is to beg for Your Forgiveness, in our arrogance we have sinned against You and we are sorry for offending You.
Date: 1/14/2021, 4:17 AM CST
Name: Brother Alexander Chung, MIC <>
Location: United States
That I be graced to have a lifelong, healthy, loving, and good Christian friendship with Linda Kratka.
Date: 1/3/2021, 9:42 PM CST
Name: Ken <>
Prayers requested for my cousin Margie who is scheduled for knee surgery tomorrow morning for the Doctors and staff and complete healing. In Jesus Name I pray.