Faith in Mary's Intercession
South Korea: June 2000
During the month of June 2000, after leaving the Gary, Indiana Diocese, the International Pilgrim Statue went on tour in Houston, Texas, touching the hearts of thousands of people. Upon leaving Texas, the statue was to go on tour to Michigan. However, just two weeks before the statue was to arrive, the tour was canceled. Having the privilege of scheduling this beautiful sacramental throughout the world, I was disappointed with the cancellation, but from past experience, I realized Our Lady needed her image to go someplace else. But where? Especially on just a two week notice?
As I sat and talked to Our Lady, in my heart I asked her where she wanted to go. Almost instantly in my mind I heard the word "Korea". I am not used to experiences such as this, and questioned my own mind when again I heard "Korea". I responded, "Okay, dear lady, I will try!"
I faxed a priest in Korea, and six hours later received a reply: "Yes, I have prayed to the Blessed Mother, and feel that a visit is needed at this time." Immediately, a travel agent was contacted, but no seats were available. Several hours later, two seats became available, one for the custodian and one for the statue.
Two days later the headlines in our local paper read: "Summit Scheduled for North and South Korea". This meeting was scheduled for June 12th, but was then changed to June 13th, Our Lady's Day. So the visit there was on that note. Soon we learned that the first fruits of that historic meeting were reaped on August 15th, when an exchange of 100 North Koreans and 100 South Koreans crossed the border and visited their family members. This was the first time in 50 years! Future exchanges were soon being considered.
Also on August 15th, the Zenit News Agency reported that 6,969 catechumens were to receive the sacrament of Baptism the following October.