First Saturdays Explained

Why Does God want to establish this Devotion?
Our Lady: "To Save Souls from going to Hell."
What is the Punishment for not doing this?
The Punishment is Four-Fold: God is going to Punish the "World" for its Crimes in Four Categories: (1) by War; (2) by Starvation; (3) by Persecutions of the Church; (4) by Persecutions of the Holy Father. Let us look at the Text: After showing Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia a Vision of Hell, Our Lady said: "You have seen hell, where the Souls of Poor Sinners go. To save them, God Wishes to Establish in the world the Devotion to My Immaculate Heart. IF THEY DO WHAT I TELL YOU MANY SOULS WILL BE SAVED AND THERE WILL BE PEACE. When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is the Great Sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of War, Hunger, and Persecutions of the church and of the Holy Father." (Lucia's Memoirs - 341)
What is the means to prevent God from punishing the world by punishing the Holy Father and the Church with persecutions and with war, and hunger?
Our Lady answers: "To prevent this, I will come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If they listen to My Requests Russia will be converted and there will be Peace. If not, RUSSIA will scatter her Errors throughout the world, Provoking Wars and Persecutions of the Church. The Good will be Martyred; The Holy Father will have much to suffer, VARIOUS NATIONS WILL BE ANNIHILATED. IN THE END, MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH. THE HOLY FATHER WILL CONSECRATE RUSSIA TO ME, RUSSIA WILL BE CONVERTED AND A CERTAIN PERIOD OF PEACE WILL BE GRANTED TO THE WORLD." (Memoirs 341)
July 17, 1917, the Blessed Virgin said to Lucia: "You have seen Hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them...God wishes to establish in the world the Devotion to My Immaculate Heart." (Through the 5 First Saturdays) (Sr. Lucia's Memoirs Page 219)
The Child Jesus speaks first to Sr. Lucia (Dec. 10, 1925): "Have pity on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother that is covered with thorns which ungrateful men at every moment nail on Her (Heart) without anyone making an act of reparation to remove them."
Then, on Dec. 10, 1925, Our Lady speaks: "Look, my daughter, at My Heart surrounded with Thorns with which ungrateful men at every moment pierce Me by their blasphemies and ingratitude's."
"You, at least, try to console Me, and announce that I PROMISE TO ASSIST AT THE HOUR OF DEATH, WITH ALL THE GRACES NECESSARY FOR THE SALVATION OF THEIR SOULS: all those who on the First Saturday of Five Consecutive Months, go to Confession, receive Holy Communion, recite the Rosary and keep Me company for 15 minutes, meditating on its Mysteries with the intention of offering Me reparation.
For those who had difficulty confessing on Saturdays, Lucia asked for the Confession to be valid within 8 days. Jesus answered: "Yes, it can even be within many more days, provided that when they receive Me, they are in grace and have the intention of offering reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
Lucia asked: "My Jesus, what about those who forget about conceiving such an intention?" Jesus answered: "They can conceive it in the following Confession when they get the first opportunity of receiving the Sacrament of Penance." (Sr. Lucia's Memoirs - Page 401)
Given in 1917 by "Jesus" to Berthe Petit, at the request of Cardinal Bourne through her Spiritual Advisor, Abbe Corsant, Nihil Obstat, Daniel Duivesteihn, S.T.D. Imprimatur: Bernard Cardinal Griffin, Archiepuas Westmonasterii.
"O Lord Jesus, Who, on Calvary and in the Holy Eucharist, has shown Thyself to us as the God of love and mercy, kneeling humbly at Thy feet we adore Thee and beg once more for Thy forgiveness and for Thy divine pity...
And remembering that, by Thine own act on Calvary, the human race, represented by Thy beloved disciple John, gained a Mother in the Virgin of Sorrows, we desire to honor the sufferings and woes of our Mother's Heart by devoting ourselves to It in Solemn Consecration.
It is but just, O Mary, that our souls should strive henceforth to venerate Thee with special homage under the title of Thy Sorrowful Heart - a title won by sharing in the whole Passion of Thy Divine Son and thus cooperating in the work of our redemption - a title due to Thee in justice, and dear, we believe, to Jesus, and to Thine own Heart wounded by the Wound in His.
We consecrate, therefore, O Mary, to thy SORROWFUL AND IMMACULATE HEART, OURSELVES, OUR FAMILIES, OUR COUNTRY AND THOSE WHO ARE FIGHTING FOR ITS HONOR. Have pity upon us; see our tribulations, and the anguish of our hearts in the midst of the mourning and calamities that lay waste the world. Deign, O Mother of God, to obtain mercy for us that, being converted and purified by sorrow, and made strong in faith, we may henceforth be devoted servants of Jesus Christ and of His Church, for whose triumph we pray. O Mary Immaculate, we promise to be faithful clients of Thy Sorrowful Heart. Intercede for us; we beseech thee, with thy Son that, at the very cry of Thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Hear, His Divine Power may speedily bring to pass the triumph of right and justice.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have pity upon us.
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us and save us." [1]
[1] This phrase "Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us and Save Us", which Jesus wrote, was contested by many Theologians and priests even though the late Cardinals Boume and Griffin placed their imprimaturs on it. A few years ago, the late Msgr. J. Edward Feeney of Erie, PA laid to rest newer objections when he said: "That the Blessed Virgin saves us through Her prayers and intercession not only as Advocate, Mediatrix of all Graces but also as Co-Redemptrix because even at Fatima, Our Lady stated: 'That you have seen hell where the Souls of sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world the devotion to My Immaculate Heart.'"
How can I host the Satellite IPVS?
To find out how you can host the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue, please contact:
Rose Marie Malburg
President, International Pilgrim Virgin Statue Foundation
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